Struct state::Container [] [src]

pub struct Container { /* fields omitted */ }

A container for global type-based state.

A container stores at most one global instance of given type as well as n thread-local instances of a given type.

Global State

Global state is set via the set method and retrieved via the get method. The type of the value being set must be thread-safe and transferable across thread boundaries. In other words, it must satisfy Sync + Send + 'static.


Set and later retrieve a value of type T:

static CONTAINER: state::Container = state::Container::new();


Thread-Local State

Thread-local state is set via the set_local method and retrieved via the get_local method. The type of the value being set must be transferable across thread boundaries but need not be thread-safe. In other words, it must satisfy Send + 'static but not necessarily Sync. Values retrieved from thread-local state are exactly that: local to the current thread. As such, you cannot use thread-local state to synchronize across multiple threads.

Thread-local state is initialized on an as-needed basis. The function used to initialize the thread-local state is passed in as an argument to set_local. When the state is retrieved from a given thread for the first time, the function is executed to generate the initial value. The function is executed at most once per thread. The same function is used for initialization across all threads.

Note: Rust reuses thread IDs across multiple threads. This means that is possible to set thread-local state in thread A, have that thread die, start a new thread B, and access the state set in A in B.


Set and later retrieve a value of type T:

static CONTAINER: state::Container = state::Container::new();

CONTAINER.set_local(|| T::new());


impl Container

Creates a new container with no stored values.


Create a globally available state container:

static CONTAINER: state::Container = state::Container::new();

Sets the global state for type T if it has not been set before.

If the state for T has previously been set, the state is unchanged and false is returned. Otherwise true is returned.


Set the state for AtomicUsize. The first set is succesful while the second fails.

static CONTAINER: state::Container = state::Container::new();

assert_eq!(CONTAINER.set(AtomicUsize::new(0)), true);
assert_eq!(CONTAINER.set(AtomicUsize::new(1)), false);

Attempts to retrieve the global state for type T.

Returns Some if the state has previously been set. Otherwise returns None.


struct MyState(AtomicUsize);

static CONTAINER: state::Container = state::Container::new();

// State for `T` is initially unset.


let my_state = CONTAINER.try_get::<MyState>().expect("MyState");
assert_eq!(my_state.0.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 0);

Retrieves the global state for type T.


Panics if the state for type T has not previously been set. Use try_get for a non-panicking version.


struct MyState(AtomicUsize);

static CONTAINER: state::Container = state::Container::new();


let my_state = CONTAINER.get::<MyState>();
assert_eq!(my_state.0.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 0);

Sets the thread-local state for type T if it has not been set before.

The state for type T will be initialized via the state_init function as needed. If the state for T has previously been set, the state is unchanged and false is returned. Returns true if the thread-local state is successfully set to be initialized with state_init.


struct MyState(Cell<usize>);

static CONTAINER: state::Container = state::Container::new();

assert_eq!(CONTAINER.set_local(|| MyState(Cell::new(1))), true);
assert_eq!(CONTAINER.set_local(|| MyState(Cell::new(2))), false);

Attempts to retrieve the thread-local state for type T.

Returns Some if the state has previously been set via set_local. Otherwise returns None.


struct MyState(Cell<usize>);

static CONTAINER: state::Container = state::Container::new();

CONTAINER.set_local(|| MyState(Cell::new(10)));

let my_state = CONTAINER.try_get_local::<MyState>().expect("MyState");
assert_eq!(my_state.0.get(), 10);

Retrieves the thread-local state for type T.


Panics if the thread-local state for type T has not previously been set via set_local. Use try_get_local for a non-panicking version.


struct MyState(Cell<usize>);

static CONTAINER: state::Container = state::Container::new();

CONTAINER.set_local(|| MyState(Cell::new(10)));

let my_state = CONTAINER.get_local::<MyState>();
assert_eq!(my_state.0.get(), 10);

Trait Implementations

impl Sync for Container

impl Send for Container