Sergio Benitez

Hey! I'm Sergio. I write software that helps you write secure and correct software.
Sergio - Portrait
Here's a bit more detail...

I love reading about, thinking about, designing, building, and most of all, understanding operating systems, cryptosystems, and programming languages. I've worked on a range of projects in the past, from designing anomaly detection algorithms at Google, to developing new languages for programming robots at MIT, to working on operating systems that operate rockets and spacecraft at SpaceX.

I used to spend my time researching topics related to operating systems and programming languages at Stanford while working on my PhD, and I was at MIT before that. Now I'm working on something new in the secure operating systems and compilers space.
uid=(SergioBenitez) gid=(______) groups=(stanford,mit,google,apple,spacex)

Contacting me

You can send me email at {first letter first name}{first letter last name}@{thisdomain}, find me on GitHub at SergioBenitez, or check out my LinkedIn.
I am not currently seeking employment of any sort. Please do not contact me for such matters.

Some of my projects
  • Rocket - A web framework for Rust that makes it simple to write secure web applications.
  • Figment - A semi-hierarchical configuration library for Rust so con-free, it's unreal.
  • cookie - A Rust library for parsing HTTP cookies and managing cookie jars.
  • ROS - A teaching operating system written in Rust for Stanford's CS140e.
  • (rktpb) - A pastebin with just enough features to be really useful.
Places I've worked at
  • At SpaceX I worked with the platform team to improve the boot times of flight hardware. This involved changes to the bootloader, kernel, drivers, initialization systems, and flight software runtime. My changes decreased boot times by 75%.
  • At Apple I worked under the Mac OS X team to improve the performance of search in Apple Mail. As a result, search queries run 4x faster on average on OS X 10.9+.
  • At Google I worked with the Gmail performance team to decrease server downtime by detecting anomalous behavior before server failure. I designed and implemented an original anomaly detection algorithm based on local outlier factors.
  • I've founded or developed the technical foundation for a couple of technologically oriented companies.
Papers recently published

Short Paper: Blockcheck the Typechain.
Sergio Benitez, Jonathan Cogan, Alejandro Russo. In PLAS'20, November 2020

Short Paper: Rusty Types for Solid Safety.
Sergio Benitez. In PLAS'16, October 2016

Classes I've taught
(bye now!)